When you find the right one, it's tempting to start rolling it out. Megan Longenderfer, VictaulicĪ great company name and logo can help a brand stand head and shoulders above its competition. It should speak loudly to not only what your company does, but what you stand for and why you do it. Your identity should be an extension of the narrative and unique brand differentiation you are building with your audiences. Organizational strategies for logo and name creation must begin with purpose-driven storytelling. Vincent Phamvan, Vyten Career Coaching Even Dunkin' Donuts changed its name to Dunkin' when coffee and other drinks made up 60% of their purchases. as sales of the iPod and iPhone picked up. In 2007, Apple Computers changed its name to Apple Inc. Best Buy's original name was Sound of Music when they sold audio equipment. Keep your company name broad because the market and business will evolve. Discover the emotion behind the attraction, and you can use that insight to make improvements to your logo and company name before launching your brand. Be sure to ask specific followup questions to find out what attracts them to your logo/name. Gather focus groups to test which branding your target audience is most attracted to. Cody McConnell, Be Unique Consultingġ2.

It should be something that reflects your solution for them, which is your business offering, so they understand what you do and why it makes sense for them. Alberto Farronato, GremlinĬreate an idea that appeals to your target audience and delivers a message for them specifically.

VMware, Mulesoft and Gremlin are some great examples in B2B enterprise software. Combination of words can work, but are difficult to come by. Using an everyday concept will make it easier to create a personable logo that can be used creatively across your marketing. The best company names speak to the essence of what the company does using a word that customers will easily understand and, therefore, remember. This will give brands the visibility into their customers' perspective and empower them to design experiences that would best suit their needs and expectations. Amine Rahal, Regal AssetsĮ-commerce companies can improve their user interfaces by taking a multi-pronged approach: use data to pinpoint the underlying issue, then marry it with the human perspective to reveal customer preference and behavior.
For your logo, always hire a design professional who incorporates unified, minimalist aesthetics that are easily identifiable. Whatever you choose, ensure that it's easily pronounced and, ideally, one monosyllabic word. When coming up with a brand name, first consider using the name of the founder(s) or putting a playful spin on it. Logos and brand names should both be recognizable and simplistic. Like a statue freed from stone, the visual identity of your brand will soon take shape. Next, find your colors and font and let your logo take form. List 10 words associated with your values and mission, then make your best friend. When you land on a name and logo that feels right, you'll know. Sometimes business is about spreadsheets, sometimes it's about your gut. Whether it's NerdFace or CircleBomb, if your customers only need to hear it once, it'll be easier for them to reference in the future to others. I recommend something memorable and goofy. Shiloh Holmes, Open Roads Marketingīranding is about exposure, but being memorable helps companies circumvent the cost of continual marketing. Start with your brand story and the rest will follow. With those two items defined and aligned, the logo organically fell into place, pulling all the pieces together. It took me over a year to create the logo (it finalized two weeks ago) because the company name and brand story were the more critical parts to launching my business.

I recently went through this exercise with my own startup company. Do you want to be playful? Want to be all business? Are you a consumer brand or business-to-business? Use the name, typography, iconography and color all to strike an emotional chord with your ideal customer. Think about the emotion you want them to feel. Think Of The Emotion You Want To ConveyĪ company name and logo is many times the first impression a person gets about a company.